
I'm endorsed by Conn/Selmer as a national performer, nominee for the 51st Grammy's, and a promoter for various festivals (Nashville, TN., Marietta, Oh., Parkersburg, WV., Bowling Green, Ky. 


1. Dare To Dream 

2. Making Right Choices 

3. Anti Bullying & Low Self Esteem

4. 3 D's (Desire, Discipline, Determination)

What to Expect!!!

Most assemblies last 45 minutes, and includes the following:  Mini-concert, 2-3 videos (relating to the topic for that day), student & teacher participation, and 2 motivational messages that you would like to have reinforced at your school.

My Objective is to build Self Esteem - Go to a mirror and you'll see the person who bully's you everyday...the words you say, your thoughts and your actions! Have you ever told your self, "Your not talented enough...I have no money...I have nocontacts...I'm not smart enough...I don't live in the right city, on and on and on! 

What's The Cost!!!

The cost of an assembly is on an individual bases! Please email me at [email protected] let us know the name of school name, location and what kind of budget. 

?Statistics (subject to change)

Here are statistics from large, representative studies that journalists and other content creators can feel comfortable including in their pieces. If you find data that looks significantly different, examine it critically, or ask an expert.

1. Almost one out of every four students (22%) report being bullied during the school year
2. Verbal bullying is the most common type with about 77 percent of all students being bullied verbally in some way or another including mental bullying or even verbal abuse.
3. One in five students admit they are responsible for bullying their peers.
4. Cyber bullying has become one of the most prevalent types of bullying that occurs between teens. About 80 percent of all high school students have encountered being bullied in some fashion online.
5.  About 80 percent of all high school students have encountered being bullied in some fashion online. 

Students need to stand together and put an end to bullying. When teens see their peers being bullied, they need to report the incident or get help. If teens band together to address these issues, they really don’t have to worry about being the target of a bully since most bullies really only attack those that are weaker than them. By standing together to prevent bullying in every school, the number of depressed and suicidal teens can drop along with those who fear for their life while attending school.







College, Elementary School, High School, Kindergarten, Middle School


Alabama AL, Arizona AZ, Arkansas AR, California CA, Colorado CO, Connecticut CT, Delaware DE, Florida FL, Georgia GA, Hawaii HI, Idaho ID, Illinois IL, Indiana IN, Iowa IA, Kansas KS, Kentucky KY, Louisiana LA, Maine ME, Maryland MD, Massachusetts MA, Michigan MI, Minnesota MN, Mississippi MS, Missouri MO, Montana MT, Nebraska NE, Nevada NV, New Hampshire NH, New Jersey NJ, New Mexico NM, New York NY, North Carolina NC, North Dakota ND, Ohio OH, Oklahoma OK, Oregon OR, Pennsylvania PA, Rhode Island RI, South Carolina SC, South Dakota SD, Tennessee TN, Texas TX, Utah UT, Vermont VT, Virginia VA, West Virginia WV, Wisconsin WI, Wyoming WY

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